

Telling the music, page after page

Snodi is a documentary series that in five episodes immerses the viewer in the world of artisan violin making, a very ancient and highly valuable practice, traveling between Switzerland and Italy. Starting from the encounter between the musician and the luthier, passing through the creation of the instrument, up to the discovery of its "voice", unique and different for each of them: this is the goal of the series, to touch its deepest strings which make it so unique in the world, in a working agreement between the two parent figures who meet for a common purpose, that is to give the instrument its own voice. The images are joined by a chorus of interviews given by musicians, sound engineers and master craftsmen, in which they report and tell the viewer their experiences of life, creation and sound. Each episode closes with the performance of an original piece played by the musician with the instrument specially made by the luthier for him, showing us the final result of the creative process.


Directors: Vieri Brini, Alessandro Zorio

Editing: Alessandro Zorio and Vieri Brini Screenplay: Vieri Brini, Alessandro Zorio Sound: Emiliano Gherlanz Production: Alessandro Zorio Genre: Documentary series Year: 2022 Country: Italy Duration: 5x15' Italian language

A seguire la proiezione il concerto live della band Gnu Quartet.

Vieri Brinidirector and screenwriter, born in 1979. He has always worked in the video-cinematographic field, ranging from directing to writing and producing shorts, documentaries, adv and video clips. His works have landed at various Italian and foreign festivals; among these we remember the Turin Film Festival, the Italian Film Festival of Istanbul and Festival Européen du Court de Brest.

Alessandro Zorio, filmmaker and editor, born in 1980. he He has been working in the video-cinematographic world since 2005, dealing with direction, editing and production, especially in the field of branded content and advertising. He has made some ads both as a director and as an editor and has edited some documentaries that have participated in international festivals.